id: aircraft title: Get Aircraft meta: Overview of the Aircraft endpoint of the Infinite Flight Live API order: 19 #

Get Aircraft #

Retrieve a list of all aircraft models.

Resource #


Authorization #

Include your API key (<apikey>) by either:

Response #

Sample Response #

  "errorCode": 0,
  "result": [
      "id": "81d9ccd4-9c03-493a-811e-8fad3e57bd05",
      "name": "A-10"

LiveAPIResponse #

Response Type: application/json

Name Type Description
errorCode integer Enum: "Ok = 0", "UserNotFound = 1", "MissingRequestParameters = 2", "EndpointError = 3", "NotAuthorized = 4", "ServerNotFound = 5", "FlightNotFound = 6", "NoAtisAvailable = 7"
result [AircraftPackage] Array of AircraftPackage objects

AircraftPacakge #

Name Type Description
id string (uuid) Unique identifier for the model
name string Name of the aircraft